ProConsult assist the client to sell his company or raised capital for the company
ProConsult bistår klienten med at få solgt sin virksomhed eller fremskaffet kapital til virksomheden
ProConsults typical assignments are in the range of 1 – 5 million DKK (125.000 – 625.000 EURO). A few assignments have been smaller, and in these cases ProConsult adjust ProConsults fee so a solution can be beneficial for all parties involved. There have also been cases that were considerably larger. The reason that few cases are under 1 million DKK is that in these situations traditional bank loans are often a better option, and ProConsults Investment Club does not compete with banks. It is rather an important supplement, since the company gets risk capital as well as an improved management, which is often needed in companies facing a crisis. Although ProConsult cannot guarantee raising capital or making the sale, the actual number of cases where ProConsult haven’t succeeded is very limited.
ProConsults success rate for the assignments ProConsult undertake is in the range of 80 – 90 %. The reason for this high success rate is that ProConsult are very thorough in ProConsults initial analysis of a company, before ProConsult decide whether or not to take the case. Unfortunately, ProConsult have to tell many companies that ProConsult can’t take their case, because ProConsult don’t believe that ProConsult will be able to solve it. Please note that ProConsult budget on spending 100-200 hours per case, and that ProConsult fee is only due when ProConsult client has accepted a solution that ProConsults client is satisfied with. Just on the company description, which forms the basis for ProConsult contact with potential investors, ProConsult spend between 40 and 80 hours. In addition, ProConsult spend a considerable amount of time on negotiations and on formulating the deal basis. ProConsults clients’ risk is only the initial expense of 35,000 – 75,000 DKK excl. VAT. For this reason, ProConsult must, already from the assignment’s start, have a strong belief that ProConsult can complete the assignment.
I de sager hvor ProConsult går ind, kan ProConsult selvsagt ikke garantere for fremskaffelsen af den ønskede kapital til virksomheden eller for salget af virksomheden, men ProConsult kan oplyse, at antallet af sager ProConsult ikke er lykkedes med er yderst begrænset, idet ProConsults succesprocent ligger på 80-90 %. Baggrunden for den høje succesprocent er, at ProConsult er meget grundige i den indledende analyse af en virksomhed, inden ProConsult meddeler, om ProConsult går ind i sagen eller ej. ProConsult må desværre meddele mange, at ProConsult ikke kan påtage sig opgaven, da ProConsult ikke tror, at ProConsult er i stand til at løse opgaven. Til orientering kan det oplyses, at ProConsult budgetterer med at anvende mellem 100-200 timer pr. sag og ProConsult honorar forfalder først til betaling, når ProConsults klient har accepteret en løsning, som klienten finder tilfredsstillende. Alene til udarbejdelsen af en virksomhedsbeskrivelse, som danner grundlaget for ProConsults henvendelse til investorerne, anvender ProConsult mellem 40 og 80 timer. Derudover pågår betydelig tid med forhandlinger og udarbejdelse af aftalegrundlag. ProConsults klients risiko er alene grundgebyret på 35.000-75.000 kr. ekskl. moms. Følgelig skal ProConsult ved opgavens start have en indgroet tro på, at ProConsult vil kunne gennemføre opgaven.
Selling Companies and Capital Injections
Description of the process
ProConsult typically receives new clients through referrals from business contacts such as accountants, lawyers, consultants, corporate brokers, other clients and banks. The process typically runs as follows:
Initial Evaluation
In most cases, ProConsult receives some informational material about the company/project, typically a small company presentation, financials and budgets. These materials are evaluated; after which it is decided whether to arrange a meeting with the company’s management for further discussions of the company/project. If not, the material is returned and the sender is informed that ProConsult is not able to undertake the assignment. If the material does form the basis for a meeting with the company’s management, such a meeting is arranged. Hereafter more information is often handed over to help further illuminate the case. In some incidences ProConsult requests one or two more meetings, in order to form a sufficiently clear picture of the company/project.
If ProConsult after the initial evaluation assesses that solving the assignment is feasible, the client is sent a proposal. This proposal can either be accepted or rejected. If the proposal is rejected, the case is closed by ProConsult and the process has been without costs for the company.
Salg af virksomheder og kapitaltilførsler
Beskrivelse af forløbet
ProConsult får typisk anvist nye klienter via forretningsforbindelser som revisorer, advokater, konsulenter, virksomhedsmæglere, klienter og pengeinstitutter. Fremgangsmåden er normalt som følger:
Indledende vurdering
ProConsult får i de fleste tilfælde tilsendt noget informationsmateriale om projektet/virksomheden, typisk en mindre virksomhedspræsentation, regnskaber og budget. Dette vurderes indledningsvist, hvorefter det besluttes, om der på dette grundlag skal afholdes et møde med virksomhedens ledelse til yderligere belysning af projektet/virksomheden, eller det fremsendte materiale returneres, idet ProConsult ikke ser sig i stand til at påtage sig opgaven.
Dersom det fremsendte materiale kan danne grundlag for et møde med virksomhedens ledelse aftales et sådant. Herefter udleveres der ofte yderligere informationer til belysning af sagen. I visse tilfælde beder ProConsult om yderligere et eller to møder, for at kunne danne sig et rimeligt fyldestgørende billede af projektet/virksomheden.
Såfremt ProConsult efter den indledende vurdering finder, at en løsning af sagen er realistisk, fremsender ProConsult et tilbud. Tilbuddet kan enten accepteres eller afvises. Afvises tilbuddet, afsluttes sagen fra ProConsult’s side og forløbet har været uden omkostninger for virksomheden.